Qureshi University, Advanced courses, via cutting edge technology, News, Breaking News | Latest News And Media (2025)

What were the issues at SKIMS on or before January 8, 2018?
Violation of the norms. As per the SKIMS norms, no doctor can engage in a private practice.
These are not the only issues.
There are so many other issues.
Lack of administrative abilities.
Fraudulent hiring.
Repeated criminal conspiracies.
Maintained criminal silence to complaint that is not justified.
Inefficient public administration.
Disregard for public service.
Other irreparable harms that are unfolding.
Other doctors must be reminded that they will be violating the Essential Services Maintenance Act if they go on strike.
If they violate the Essential Services Maintenance Act, they can go to jail.
They can face permanent termination if involved in criminal activities.
This should be known to them before starting public service.
Take a look at issues that justified the termination of the services of the director of SKIMS.Replacements should be made ready as soon as possible. On January 8, 2018, the director of the Soura Institute of Medical Sciences was attached. Was this justified?
Yes. What is the proof that the suspension and/or termination of the director of the Soura Institute of Medical Sciences is justified?
Here are various facts. Could this individual guide aspiring, in training, or existing physicians in medical emergencies on or before January 8, 2018, at SKIMS?
No. Could this individual guide aspiring, in training, or existing physicians in critical care on or before January 8, 2018, at SKIMS?
No. Has this individual authored any textbooks that can guide specific aspiring, in training, or existing physicians?
No. Was A. G. Ahangar asked and able to answer the issues/complaints listed at http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/facts on or before 1 PM on Tuesday July 18, 2017, but failed to do so?
He failed to understand and answer the issues/complaints listed at http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/facts Should A. G. Ahangar face permanent termination from services due to these reasons?
Yes. What else needs to be accomplished?
These facts must be included in his service book of adverse findings.
All others involved must have these facts in their service book of adverse annual performance reports and adverse annual confidential reports.Circulate an advertisement immediately. Human resources director and subordinates in Kashmir: What do you have to do?
A competent director of SKIMS is required immediately.Competent aspiring, in training, and existing physicians are required in medical emergency, critical care, and primary care at SKIMS immediately starting on January 10, 2018. The establishment of a forensic psychiatry department at SKIMS is immediately required.

Human resource issues inside and outside Kashmir.

On January 23, 2018, an invalid order was circulated appointing Dr. Ahangar as Secretary (coordinator) of the Health and Medical Education Department.This is an invalid order.

What needs to be accomplished?
The termination of services of individual(s) who initiated and circulated this invalid order.

Questions that need to be answered.

Who initiated this order?
Who approved this order?
What do you know about human resource laws inside and outside Kashmir?
If a person cannot answer the relevant questions in existing duties, can you expect this person to do similar public services?
If a person cannot communicate in English language, can such a person provide medical education to specific aspiring, in training, and existing physicians?
Did this person answer all required questions on or before January 23, 2018?
If a person has faced disciplinary actions like Dr. Ahangar, how should the process proceed?
What do you understand about the obstruction of justice inside and outside Kashmir?
What is another word for legislator?
Lawmaker What is an example of a lawmaker?
Doctor Asif Qureshi is an example of a global lawmaker.

Renumeration for Doctor Asif Qureshi and for those who assist him: Who is responsible for providing this renumeration?

Was the decision to abrogate Articles 370 on August 5, 2019, justified?
No. What is the proof of these facts?
The people of Kashmir were not consulted.

On or after March 1, 2020, these laws are not applicable to Kashmir.
Each law will be deliberated publicly.
In the future, if any entity is found to be partially helpful for Kashmir, even in modified form, it may be included in the compiled statutes of Kashmir.

On or after March 1, 2020, facts have to be included with each proposed law for further research.

The penal code must be mentioned.
The penal code already exists in Kashmir.
Kashmirs code of criminal procedure already exists.

What should be the abilities of newly nominated lawmakers from Kashmir on or after March 24, 2020?
English question-and-answer presentation abilities.
Must know Kashmirs penal code, code of criminal procedure, code of civil procedure, and administrative procedures as well as relevant international law.
On or after March 24, 2020, all previously fraudulently installed harmful entities in Kashmir will no longer be lawmakers.

These facts will be further elaborated.

1.The Advocates Act, 1961.

Types of lawyers
These issues need further research.

2.The All India Services Act, 1951.

What do you know about basic human rights and the domicile category in Kashmir?

What do you know about various service rules in the state and outside the state?

Service rules

Exempt and nonexempt Posting

If you are highly skilled, you can get exempt posting.
If you have exempt posting, you can leave the location of work or work from another location, home office, for example www.qureshiuniversity.com, and issue guidelines.
If you have nonexempt posting, you cannot leave the location of work.
You have to report at specific time, location, working hours.
You cannot violate the rights of others.

Transfers and posting

What department should go ahead with transfers and posting in the state or outside the state?
State department of human resources.
State department of human services.
This should be done in consultation with other departments or individuals affected by transfer and posting.

You should never lie.
You should always speak the truth.
If you are asked questions about an issue, you should answer truthfully to the best of your abilities and knowledge.
You should not harm others.
If you harm others, public safety act detention will be applicable to the situation.
You should not get involved in any felony or misdemeanor crime.
Your focus should be on public service.
You cannot harm.
Speak English only is among workplace rules.
Please speak in English.
English is the official language.

3.The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958.

Mughal gardens

4.The Census Act, 1948.

These issues need further research.

5.The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.

What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What are examples of various international laws?
Conflict of interest: What did you understand?
How do you manage conflicts of interest?
Conflict of law: What did you understand?
What are various examples?
How do you manage conflicts of law?
What did you understand?

6.The Cinematograph Act, 1952.

Nonfiction movies

These issues need further research.

7.The Collection of Statistics Act, 2008.

These issues need further research.

8.The Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952.

These issues need further research.

9.The Dentists Act, 1948.

These issues need further research.

10.The Family Courts Act, 1984.

Muslim personal law

11.The Government Securities Act, 2006.

What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What are examples of various international laws?
Conflict of interest: What did you understand?
How do you manage conflicts of interest?
Conflict of law: What did you understand?
What are various examples?
How do you manage conflicts of law?
What did you understand?

12.The High Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Services) Act,1954.


What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?

These issues need further research.

13.The Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.

These issues need further research.

14.The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.


15.The Income-Tax act, 1961.

What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What are examples of various international laws?
Conflict of interest: What did you understand?
How do you manage conflicts of interest?
Conflict of law: What did you understand?
What are various examples?
How do you manage conflicts of law?
What did you understand?

Income tax: sliding scale

16.The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

These issues need further research.

Take a look at this.
Medical practice act has to be updated as soon as possible keeping these www.qureshiuniveristy.com/physicians.html facts and findings in mind.

17.The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

Ration system.
What did you understand?
What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?

18.The Real Estate (Regulation ^Development) Act, 2016

Kashmir planning and development act 1971 is there.
What did you understand?
What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?

19.The National Co-Operative Development

Kashmir planning and development act 1971 is there.
What did you understand?

20.The Official Languages Act, 1963.

English language is the official court language in Kashmir.

English is official language.
What did you understand?

21.The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.

These issues need further research.

22.The Press Council Act, 1978.

These issues need further research.

23.The Protection of Human Rights act, 1993.


24.The Public Debt Act, 1944.

Ration system.
What did you understand?
What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?

25.The Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1966

These issues need further research.

26.The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.

Ration system

What is the essential commodities act?
What is the essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?

What did you udnerstand?

27.The Textiles Committee Act, 1963.

Government departments of Kashmir are there.
Committes have to be established relevant to government departments of Kashmir.

28.The Court-Fees Act, 1870

Fee Waivers in Court Cases
What did you understand?

29.The Indian Forest Act, 1927

Kashmir forest department is there.
They mainly look after pine trees.
DFO, Conservator of forests etc.
These are officers from Kashmir.
They cannot be replaced with some other entity.
What did you understand?

30.The Limitation Act, 1963

These issues need further research.

31.The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988


32.The Representation of People Act, 1950

What is election fraud?
Was there a fraud? or
Was there a reported fraud?
Was there an objection?
What type of fraud?
What type of objection?
What are the types of election fraud?
What are the consequences of election fraud?
What expertise should police officer have about election fraud?
What should police do if they detect impending election fraud, or previous election fraud?
What should police do if they find fraud in the election system?
How should a police officer compile an election fraud report?
Where should a police officer file his/her election fraud report?
How many officers should be involved in this type of election fraud, criminal investigations?
What did you understand?

33.The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 Kashmir planning and development act 1971 is there. What did you understand? 34.The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

These issues need further research.

35.The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908


36.The Indian Penal Code, 1860

The penal code must be mentioned.
The penal code already exists in Kashmir.
Kashmirs code of criminal procedure already exists.

37.Criminal Procedure Code, 1973

The penal code must be mentioned.
The penal code already exists in Kashmir.
Kashmirs code of criminal procedure already exists.

Qureshi University, Advanced courses, via cutting edge technology, News, Breaking News | Latest News And Media (2025)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.