Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in your neck (2025)

Cancerof the larynxsometimes spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck. Lymph nodes are small bean shaped glands. We have them throughout our bodies including the head and neck area. They are often the first place cancer cells spread to when they break away from a tumour.

Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in your neck (1)

To try to get rid of the cancer, your surgeon will removesome or allthe neck lymph nodes during yoursurgery. Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in the neck is called a neck dissection.

Your surgeon might not know if there are cancer cells in your lymph nodes before you have surgery.So in this case, your surgeon will suggest removing the lymph nodes closest to the cancer. They send thenodes to the laboratory to check them for cancer cells.

If there is cancer in the lymph nodes you might need to have more surgery to removemore nodes. Or have radiotherapy to that area.

Surgeons don't do a neck dissection on everyone because it can have long term side effects. They have to consider who will benefit from it.

There are different types of neck dissection:

  • partial or selective neck dissection
  • modified radical neck dissection
  • radical neck dissection

You might have this surgery after radiotherapy if your cancer comes back.

Partial or selective neck dissection

Your surgeon removeslymph nodes from some areas of your neck. It is usually the areas closest to the cancer.

Modified radical neck dissection

There are 3 types of modified radical neck dissection.

With one type your surgeon removes most of the lymph nodes between your jawbone and collarbone on one side of your neck.

With the other 2 types your surgeon also needs to remove one or more of the following structures:

  • a muscle on the side of your neck called the sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • a nerve called the accessory nerve
  • a vein called the internal jugular vein
Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in your neck (2)

Radical neck dissection

You have nearly all the nodes on oneside of your neck removed. Your surgeon will also remove:

  • the sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • a nerve called the accessory nerve
  • the internal jugular vein

Side effects of neck dissection

The side effects depend on which structures have been removed or disturbed during surgery.

Shoulder stiffness and arm weakness

The accessory nerve controls shoulder movement. So if you have this removed, your shoulder will be stiffer and more difficult to move. If you have a partial or modified neck dissection, the weakness in your arm usually lasts only a few months. But if you have your accessory nerve removed, the damage is permanent.

Your doctor will refer you to a physiotherapist. They will show you some exercises to help improve the movement in your neck and shoulder. It is important that you do them.


You may have some pain. Taking painkillers can help. Physiotherapy exercises can also reduce pain. Your surgeon can refer you to a pain clinic if the pain continues or is not controlled with painkillers.

A thinner, shrunken and stiff neck

Your neck will look thinner and shrunken if you have had the sternocleidomastoid muscle removed.

Your neck might be stiff after the operation and you might need physiotherapy.

Swelling (lymphoedema)

After surgery to remove some or all of the lymph nodes in your neck, the area can be swollen. This can be due to general swelling around the surgical wound. This usually goes down within a couple of weeks. But it can also be a sign of lymphoedema, this swelling doesn’t go away.

Lymphoedema means a build up of lymph fluid that causes swelling. It can develop because surgery interferes with the normal flow of lymph in the lymphatics.

Lymphoedema in the head or neck can also cause symptoms inside your mouth and throat. This may include swelling of your tongue and other parts of your mouth.

Tell your surgeon or nurse straight away if you have:

  • any swelling or a feeling of fullness or pressure
  • find it difficult to swallow
  • have changes in your voice

They will refer you to a lymphoedema specialist if they think you might have lymphoedema. It’s important to start treatment early to stop the swelling from getting worse.

  • Read more about lymphoedema

Chyle leak

Chyle is tissue fluid (lymph) that contains fat after it has been absorbed from the small bowel (intestine). It gets transported through the lymphatic channels to the bloodstream.

Sometimes one of these channels, called the thoracic duct, leaks after the operation. When this happens, lymph fluid or chyle can collect under the skin.

You may need to stay longer in hospital and go back to the operating theatre to repair the leak.

Blood clot

Sometimes the tubes of the drain that the surgeon puts in during surgery can become blocked. This can cause blood to collect under the skin and form a clot (haematoma). If this happens, you might need to go back to the operating theatre to have the clot removed and the drain replaced.

Other possible side effects

You might have other side effects due to damage to some of the nerves that supply the head and neck area.

They include:

  • numbness of the skin and the ear on the same side as the operation
  • loss of movement in the lower lip
  • loss of feeling or movement on one side of the tongue

Let your surgeon or specialist nurse know about any side effects that you have so they can help you cope with them.

Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in your neck (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.